Tintin ja Milo -springerin kanssa raahauduimme matchiin jossa molemmat miehet, Sampo ja Milo saivat komean siniset nauhat. Sankareiden esiintymiset meni kuitenkin hyvin ja sankarillisemman tempun teki Topy - repien Raumalla upeaisen RYP-2 -sijan! VSP oli Bombix Moren Par Pupa, onnea!

Today I and Sampo were at the match show with Tintti and her english springer spaniel male Milo. Both boys showed very well but didn't get any placements. At the same time silky terrier Topy (C.I.B. Nord & Fi & Dk & Se & Sk & Est & Cz & Si & Lt & EstJ Ch KbhW-07 NordW-07 EstW-04 Bombix Moren Amron's Topcopy, bred by Irma Leino) was in Rauma All Breeds show with one of his owners, Terhi Korhonen, and got BOB and BIG2!! Best of opposite sex was Bombix Moren Par Pupa, congrats!